Spanish will benefit your child for a lifetime
We provide Spanish language instruction services to children who want to improve their grades in school or children who want to learn Spanish for fun and personal growth. Our Spanish language instruction services for children are divided into two categories:
1. Private instruction
We provide Spanish language instruction to children (ages 5-12) in the form of private language instruction. The instruction is activity-based, including songs, puppetry, games, art, and age-appropriate writing assignments. We aim to help children develop an “ear” for the Spanish language. We want children to associate learning Spanish with fun and excitement, which we believe will help motivate children to continue learning Spanish as they mature.
Private instruction price starting at $75/hour

Here are our thoughts:
Children are naturally curious, and consequently are able to quickly learn and retain a second language. Children who gain some familiarity with a second language find it easier to continue learning the language later in life. Children who are exposed to multiple languages are said to perform better on standardized tests, such as the SAT and ACT. These points alone are sound arguments to support Spanish language instruction for children. Yet, there are other reasons why parents and academic administrators should expose children to Spanish.
Let's consider the world children live in today and undoubtedly the world that children will encounter in the future. We find a community marked by rapid change and linkages among people of diverse backgrounds and cultures. Changing world demographics, boundless global telecommunications, rapid technological innovations, and booming worldwide travel shape the social landscape. With this dynamic as a backdrop, it is all the more important for our young adults of tomorrow to learn how to communicate in a second, if not a third language.
The benefits of broadening a child's language skills are tremendous and serve to open many doors -- today and tomorrow, at home and abroad, personally and professionally.